Geliştiren: CreationDiary8
Whoever you are, you will meet whomever you are.
Geliştiren: XIAO
يا أمي الحبيبة يا عينيلا يوصف جمالك في حديثيأنت لي الأمان والحنانوبجانبك أشعر بالراحة والأمان
في بيتي الصغير ينعم أطفاليوجميعنا نعيش برفقة زوجي...
Geliştiren: CreationDiary8
Quiet Love: Nourishing the Heart
Love is a complex emotion that can bring joy and happiness but also challenges and hardships. In our fast...
Geliştiren: XIAO
Meditation is a powerful tool that can help us connect with our inner selves and cultivate feelings of love, unity, and peace. When we meditate...
Geliştiren: XIAO
When Love is connected with time, nothing can prove love
Just say " To Love "
When you do not understand love, you will try to use your mind to ex...
Geliştiren: XIAO
Accept what life has given, accept what is coming, and enjoy the way of letting it go
Tears have much meaning, and life also has much, but there i...
Geliştiren: XIAO
As the place where you often escape after the stress of work or hectic woes of life, your home needs to evoke a serene atmosphere and help you rec...
Geliştiren: XIAO
1000 points - enlightenment
20 points - close to death, feeling of shame30 points - guilt50 points - nonchalant70 points - sad100 points - fear125...
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